Thursday, September 30, 2010

Nicole Nicole Nicole, Thank you.....

We had some of the better surf with TS Nicole passing bye. NW winds glassed off the 3-5 ft local storm surf from yesterday and the result was surf better than the two peak hurricane swells that we had two weeks ago. Below are some pics that Tim Neil shot in the 12 pm hour. See his pics from today and some from Igor on his Smug Mug site. There were some nice shots.
Today was one of my best sessions on a SUP with several outstanding rides. I know all the other surfers out there today had outstandung rides too.
He's got Earl, Igor and Nicole gallery's. Check it out...

Jamie on his Naish 9-3

Glen trying the new surf 9-6 Fanatic
Pat L in his New 9-6 Surf Fanatic

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